开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 PRODID: - / /旅行内华达州raybet外围雷竞技电竞EC雷竞技体育appPv5.16.4 / / NONSGML v1.0 / / EN CALSCALE:公历方法:发布X-WR-CALNAME:旅游内华达州X-ORIGINAL-URL: //www.tritarts.com X-WR-CALDESC:事件旅游内华达州开始:VTIMEZONE TZID:美国/ Los_Angeles开始:日光TZOFFSETFROM: -0800 TZOFFSETTO: -0700 TZNAME: PDT DTSTART: 20230312 t100000结束:日光开始:标准TZOFFSETFROM: -0700 TZOFFSETTO: -0800 TZNAME: PST DTSTART: 20231105 t090000结束:标准结束:VTIMEZONE开始:VEVENT DTSTART; TZID =美国/ Los_Angeles: 20230604 t070000 DTEND; TZID =美国/ Los_Angeles: 20230604 t235900 DTSTAMP: 20230226 t161752创建:20200504 t234912z last - modified: 20220803 t192318z UID: 13004 - 1685851200 - 1685851200 @www.tritarts.com简介:美国最美丽的骑自行车的描述:准备了解世界上风景最秀丽的高山湖泊一英里一次吗?每年夏天\,成千上万的自行车走在整个西方国家line-straddling南塔霍湖骑到名单骑他们的生活太浩湖的海岸线。南塔霍湖的一部分事件现场近三年来\,每个骑自行车为白血病和淋巴瘤协会筹集资金为他们的国家最大的资金筹集活动。\ n \ n \ n \但这个年度活动的实际名称。太浩和72英里的史诗般的美景\,清爽的高山空气\,杀手食品和啤酒等待乘客(或non-riders…)在硬石酒店\,明亮如水晶湾为什么。今年6月划掉它骑到列表中。\ n \ n \ n \ nPart西方组织\自行车的塔霍湖附近选择从三个不同的课程。骑100英里的距离包括\,圆湖和特拉基\,CA;\ 72英里,这圈子太浩湖;35英里\,开始在北塔霍湖太浩南的终点线。 Some special geographical highlights include a challenging 800-foot climb overlooking Emerald Bay\, and a 1\,000-foot climb to Spooner Junction. There are also many short rolling ascents and descents\, totaling in 4\,024 vertical feet elevation gain\, with overall altitude ranges from 6\,300 feet to 7\,100 feet above sea level. No matter which ride you land on\, all three circumnavigate the Jewel of the Sierra clockwise\, offering up unforgettable views and riding conditions. \n\n\n\nAs part of registration\, each rider must commit to raising at least $1\,600 to fund research to discover a cure\, with additional discounted room night incentives for larger fundraising commitments. No matter which ride distance you choose\, all three courses finish in South Lake Tahoe at the Hard Rock Hotel near Stateline\, NV. Each registrant will receive a welcome packet with an event t-shirt\, water bottles and other premium items\, along with access to rest stops\, lunch and post-ride meal\, first-aid medical services\, and top-tier event support. \n\n\n\nFor more information on America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride\, and other Bike the West events like OATBRAN and Tour de Tahoe\, get in touch with event organizers directly at 1-800-565-2704. URL://www.tritarts.com/event/americas-most-beautiful-bike-ride/ CATEGORIES:Outdoor Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg://www.tritarts.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/AMBBR2_JonPaul.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR