开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 PRODID: - / /旅行内华达州raybet外围雷竞技电竞EC雷竞技体育appPv5.16.4 / / NONSGML v1.0 / / EN CALSCALE:公历方法:发布X-WR-CALNAME:旅游内华达州X-ORIGINAL-URL: //www.tritarts.com X-WR-CALDESC:事件旅游内华达州开始:VTIMEZONE TZID:美国/ Los_Angeles开始:日光TZOFFSETFROM: -0800 TZOFFSETTO: -0700 TZNAME: PDT DTSTART: 20230312 t100000结束:日光开始:标准TZOFFSETFROM: -0700 TZOFFSETTO: -0800 TZNAME: PST DTSTART: 20231105 t090000结束:标准结束:VTIMEZONE开始:VEVENT DTSTART; TZID =美国/ Los_Angeles: 20230908 t033000 DTEND; TZID =美国/ Los_Angeles: 20230910 t080000 DTSTAMP: 20230226 t153942创建:20200504 t234915z last - modified: 20230119 t211456z UID: 13010 - 1694133000 - 1694133000 @www.tritarts.com简介:伟大的雷诺气球比赛描述:自1982年卑微\,伟大的雷诺气球比赛已经从20热气球大幅增加一个举世闻名的事件有近100个气球吊从牧场区域公园里诺圣拉斐尔。这个最爱最高年度活动特性的热气球彩虹超越雷诺清晨\,可见健行步道的北里诺的内华达大学的人行道和好处而言都在城里。雷竞技体育app\ n \ n \ n \ nReno最pajama-friendly事件已经给家庭自1982年以来一个崇高的理由早起。包你的相机时的强硬不回家一些真正令人难忘的照片。\ n \ n \ n \ nThe伟大的雷诺气球比赛是传统华秀县。地上\,spectators-some仍然舒适穿着pajamas-sit在毯子和营地椅子甚至捆绑在他们的睡袋\,扣人心弦的热饮料和凝视的黎明前的天空飘渺的超级发光显示,高峰就发生在太阳在地平线上。\ n \ n \ n \ nSome观众选择一个更豪华的节目和视图的热气球在雷诺的舒适\,激烈的帐篷和360度视图在云9俱乐部。这个贵宾俱乐部的经验从Reno-Tahoe供应商\餐饮服务特性,特殊的传递\停车,托管含羞草酒吧。了解更多关于这里的云9 VIP俱乐部\,并将这个经典的事件在内华达州北部一天你永远不会忘记!雷竞技体育app\ n \ n \ n \ nFollowing清晨景象\,一些热气球发射黎明巡逻的第一光可以看到东方。 The rest of the balloons rise later at Mass Ascension after sunrise. \n\n\n\nWhat to Expect at the Great Reno Balloon Races\n\n\n\nA select group begins the competition portion of the race as tens of thousands of visitors look on in awe\, while vendors sell snacks and souvenirs and kiddos take tethered rides in the balloons that aren’t gunning for the win. Drinks\, food\, crafts\, art\, and souvenirs are for sale along the path of the park during the event. \n\n\n\nEach morning\, pilots are briefed about wind speeds and directions at various “ceilings” or elevation measurements. The pilots use this information along with the forecasted weather changes and the local terrain as navigational tools. \n\n\n\nSpectators can expect to see a variety of speciality-shaped balloons along Balloon Boulevard\, including favorites like the Angry Birds; Jewel\, a hummingbird; Pegleg Pete\, a pirate parrot; Rio Grande Raider\, a pirate ship; SnoBird\, a camera carrying penguin; Miss Bell\, a replica of the Liberty Bell; Smokey Bear; Sushi; Gus T. Guppy; Wells Fargo’s Cent’r Stage; Pencil Boy\, and more. URL://www.tritarts.com/event/great-reno-balloon-race/ CATEGORIES:Fairs & Festivals,Family Events,Outdoor Events,Races & Spectator Sports,Signature ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg://www.tritarts.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/GRBR13_SM-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR