开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 PRODID: - / /旅行内华达州raybet外围雷竞技电竞EC雷竞技体育appPv6.0.12 / / NONSGML v1.0 / / EN CALSCALE:公历方法:发布X-WR-CALNAME:旅游内华达州X-ORIGINAL-URL: //www.tritarts.com X-WR-CALDESC:事件旅游内华达州刷新间隔;价值=时间:PT1H X-Robots-Tag: noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL: PT1H开始:VTIMEZONE TZID:美国/ Los_Angeles开始:日光TZOFFSETFROM: -0800 TZOFFSETTO: -0700 TZNAME: PDT DTSTART: 20230312 t100000结束:日光开始:标准TZOFFSETFROM: -0700 TZOFFSETTO: -0800 TZNAME: PST DTSTART: 20231105 t090000结束:标准结束:VTIMEZONE开始:VEVENT DTSTART; TZID =美国/ Los_Angeles: 20231001 t080000 DTEND; TZID =美国/ Los_Angeles: 20231031 t220000 DTSTAMP: 20230504 t132128创建:20200504 t234958z last - modified: 20221031 t183443z UID: 13121 - 1696136400 - 1696136400 @www.tritarts.com简介:弗吉尼亚州Hauntober城市描述:它的Hauntober康斯托克\ n \ n \ n \ nPumpkin补丁在v和t铁路列车。万圣节在Piper跳舞的歌剧院。从恐惧日日夜夜晚上迪士尼获奖令人毛骨悚然的短公墓杜松子酒的寻找精神\,安全不给糖就捣乱的孩子和成年人和\之外,有一些节日和娱乐所有月在维吉尼亚州的城市。最常闹鬼的地方之一,在内华达州和庆祝万圣节在弗吉尼亚城\,内华达州是最好的雷竞技体育app地方在当地人和游客的度假。\ n \ n \ n \外祖母一个小镇有闹鬼的历史城市矿山\深达弗吉尼亚,在这些地区10月是恰当地称为- Hauntober。去维吉尼亚城任何时间在10月整个家庭可以享受令人毛骨悚然的乐趣。\ n \ n \ n \ nSignature Hauntober在弗吉尼亚城事件\ n \ n \ n \ nCemetery杜松子酒的寻找精神\ n \ n \ n \鬼城\ nHalloween活在这生活,在一年一度的墓地杜松子酒的精神\狩猎,costume-up并确保你戴上面具进行一个有趣的和美味的寻宝游戏。使用你的弗吉尼亚历史古城\知识,解决谜语和得到解锁的线索,解读我们镇上的一个秘密。一路上\,尝试各种精神在参与商店\,酒吧和餐馆。解开谜团,赢得奖品。 The faster you solve the mystery\, the more spins on our digital prize wheel you’ll receive. Please note that tickets for this event are only available in advance. \n\n\n\nBats in the Belfry Guided Ghost Tours\n\n\n\nThis Hauntober special event is happening all month long! If you want to know where the most haunted locations are in Virginia City—and we know you do—this is the tour for you. Take a walk around this historically haunted town and learn about the lively souls that still occupy it today. Click here for more information\, and to secure your spot on a tour. \n\n\n\nMonth-Long Hauntober Events\n\n\n\nFrom ghost hunting to pumpkin picking\, there’s an event for you this month in Virginia City. From Halloween Bingo at Piper’s Opera House\, to the V&T Railroad Pumpkin Patch Train\, to Halloween Country Dancing\, Spirits with the Spirits\, and a Paranormal Investigations series\, check out a handful of events that happen more than once throughout the month of October. To see a full schedule of recurring Hauntober events\, click here. \n\n\n\nHalloween Weekend Events\n\n\n\nVirginia City Cemetery Tours\n\n\n\nOnce a year\, on Halloween only\, the gates to the historic Silver Terrace Cemetery open for visitors to stroll from dusk till dark. Guided tours begin on October 31st from 5:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under. \n\n\n\nOther specialty Halloween weekend events include the Haunted Halloween Steam Train of Lights that runs from Virginia City to Gold Hill\, Cemetery Gin’s Hunt for Spirits\, Mackay Mansion Halloween Scavenger Hunt\, Hauntober Parade on Historic C Street\, and Fright Night at Piper’s Opera House. For more specific details on each Halloween weekend event\, click here. URL://www.tritarts.com/event/hauntober-in-virginia-city/ CATEGORIES:Fairs & Festivals,Family Events,Signature ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg://www.tritarts.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/lass-id-original-1583862940-5e67d49c3d602-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR