开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 PRODID: - / /旅行内华达州raybet外围雷竞技电竞EC雷竞技体育appPv6.0.12 / / NONSGML v1.0 / / EN CALSCALE:公历方法:发布X-WR-CALNAME:旅游内华达州X-ORIGINAL-URL: //www.tritarts.com X-WR-CALDESC:事件旅游内华达州刷新间隔;价值=时间:PT1H X-Robots-Tag: noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL: PT1H开始:VTIMEZONE TZID:美国/ Los_Angeles开始:日光TZOFFSETFROM: -0800 TZOFFSETTO: -0700 TZNAME: PDT DTSTART: 20230312 t100000结束:日光开始:标准TZOFFSETFROM: -0700 TZOFFSETTO: -0800 TZNAME: PST DTSTART: 20231105 t090000结束:标准结束:VTIMEZONE开始:VEVENT DTSTART; TZID =美国/ Los_Angeles: 20230801 t030000 DTEND; TZID =美国/ Los_Angeles: 20230806 t200000 DTSTAMP: 20230504 t132152创建:20200504 t234914z last - modified: 20220808 t163931z UID: 13008 - 1690848000 - 1690848000 @www.tritarts.com简介:炎热的八月的夜晚描述:经典的庆祝汽车&岩石N '滚\ N \ N \ N \ nHot八月的夜晚(汉族)庆祝34年30多年的传统音乐传奇顶蓬为期一周的汽车经典怀旧节日致力于汽车和岩石N”。零在闪亮的镀铬\,定制油漆\,这种轮胎\,和加强了马力的引擎举行一些日常show-n-shines \整个地区,包括火花\维多利亚广场,在雷诺\市中心,大\塞拉度假胜地,亚特兰蒂斯\,Peppermill。\ n \ n \ n \ nFor代\,酷热的夜晚一直motorhead \麦加,克鲁斯在成千上万来自全国各地的为期一周的庆祝活动的热棒\,古董车\,所有一切经典的汽车。\ n \ n \ n \ \ nHot 8月夜晚,雷诺活动\ n \ n \ n \ nOrganized晚上游轮发生在市中心雷诺在n维吉尼亚街和市中心的维多利亚大道火花。其他活动包括公共扑克走\,交换满足\,老爷车拍卖\,show-and-shines周围Reno-Sparks(甚至上山在弗吉尼亚市)\,而赌场度假村的火花也主机夜间停止燃烧并拖动比赛。\ n \ n \ n \ nHundreds经典的汽车和自定义构建大山脉度假胜地\填补停车场,Peppermill \, Spa &赌场\ \金块赌场度假胜地,整天都和更多。巡航,媚眼一些令人惊异的汽车前周日颁奖了。\ n \ n \ n \ nReno汽车拍卖和大男孩的玩具商店\ n \ n \ n \ nAt雷诺火花会展中心\,你有机会障碍的老式汽车或改装你的梦想。炎热的晚上杂志8月拍卖提供了经典的汽车\出售,包括收集器奔驰\,福特野马\,雪佛兰克尔维特\,雪佛兰camaro \等等。\ n \ n \ n \ nIn雷诺\市中心,中间的每日Show-n-Shine行动\,大男孩的玩具商店功能数以百计的肌肉车\ \经典汽车,汽车和街头杆。 Vendors showcasing the latest in parts\, accessories\, and technology for your hot rod or collector cars line up with everything from stereo equipment\, tires and wheels\, and engines. If you’re looking for a part or a custom build\, you’ll find one at Big Boy’s store. \n\n\n\nHot August Nights Entertainment\n\n\n\nHot August Nights is more than just a Reno car show. Attendees can bust out their blue suede shoes and enjoy an array of free live entertainment at outdoor venues throughout the Reno and Sparks area. Free concerts take place on outdoor stages located at the Grand Sierra Resort\, Atlantis\, Peppermill\, and Silver Legacy Plaza in downtown Reno\, as well as at Victorian Square and the Nugget Event Center in Sparks. URL://www.tritarts.com/event/hot-august-nights/ CATEGORIES:Fairs & Festivals,Outdoor Events,Signature ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg://www.tritarts.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/HAN1.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR